We make sure that the quality of our products is at the highest level because it is crucial to maintaining a relationship of trust with customers and consumers and the success of our business as a whole.
As a company we understand the seriousness of the issue of global warming and climate changes which is why we analyse potential risks for our business which can be caused by climate changes and we are proactive when it comes to measures to prevent or alleviate them. At the same time, we recognize opportunities to reduce our impact on climate changes and more efficient harmonization, and our approach includes the following: improvement of energy efficiency, transfer to cleaner sources of energy and development of new low-carbon technologies. With innovations and investments we try to turn climate change risks into new opportunities for sustainable business. We have made a promise to future generations to make our contribution to the fight against climate changes – net zero CO2 emission by 2050.
Through innovations and investments, we aim to turn the risks of climate change into new opportunities for sustainable business development. We have made a promise to future generations that we will contribute to the fight against climate change - net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
Bambi manages waste in accordance with positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia and is directed at the prevention of waste generation, as well as increase in recycling rate.
Out of total amount of waste generated at the location of the factory, 98% of waste ends with treatment sustainable in terms of environmental protection.
The goal for 2025 is to reach zero waste. In order to achieve this goal, we have launched a set of activities both within infrastructural investments, as well as constant education of employees on waste management both in production and non-production parts of the factory. Our contractors are familiar with the waste management plan at the location, and they are obliged to obey the regulations.
The entire amount of generated wastewater is filtered through the system of separators. Quality of wastewater is in line with threshold values defined by the Decree and the Rulebook of Local Self-Government.
In the last couple of years, our company has been engaged on the optimization of water consumption. In the period from 2010-2021, we have recorded lower water consumption by 55.46%.
Lower water consumption is defined by the following activities:
Procurement of equipment with closed circulation (cooled water used to reduce heat from process streams)
Use of steam cleaners to clean technological equipment (high pressure steam)
Introduction of gradual replacement of standard taps with sensor taps
Daily reports on water consumption based on technology and manufactured quantities
Water consumption monitoring 24/7
The largest amount of energy in Bambi’s business activities is used in the following business segments: production plants, car fleet and air conditioning equipment.
In production plants, our maintenance operators set heaters at furnaces on a regular basis and thus control emission parameters. Twice a year, an authorised lab measures the emission of harmful materials. In 2014 and 2021, we installed new production lines of greater capacities and newest technology, which led to lower emissions.
In order to achieve energy-efficiency goals and reduce CO2 emission, vehicles running on fossil fuels in the car fleet we replaced with vehicles running on LPG. We replaced 36 vehicles in 2021 and 66 vehicles in 2020, which resulted in 2/3 of our current car fleet running on LPG.
R22 freon is no longer used as a coolant in production plants of Bambi company whereas the replacement of freon will also be gradually implemented in administration facilities with an aim to reduce the emissions which affect the ozone layer.
Packaging is one of key factors in the maintenance of supreme quality and safety of our products. Having in mind quantities of packaging we use, this business aspect has strong impact on environment. We try to reduce the impact of packaging in every stage of lifecycle – production, recycling and disposal, and at the same time, we improve its core function – to provide quality of the very product in the supply chain – until end-consumer.
Our positive contribution to the creation of better communities is reflected in the company’s systemic projects, support to initiatives of local organizations with donations in money and products, as well as volunteering of our employees. With our internship program, mentorship and cooperation with faculties we support young people because we believe that they are the future. All information about all our activities is available HERE _ hyperlink to Bambi for YOUng in the career section.
We also take care of local communities in which we do business in via donations and sponsorships focused on sports, culture and young people.
Together with colleagues from Coca-Cola Helenic Serbia we cleaned up the littoral zone of the River Pek and set bird houses and a hotel for solitary bees. In order to make this campaign beautiful and useful, we planted plants in the factory’s yard using recycled material and painted the fence of an elementary school situated in the vicinity
By planting 300 evergreen and deciduous trees, the Town of Požarevac and Bambi launched the project of renovation and reforestation of former Bambi Park in December 2021. These new 300 trees, while they grow, will release enough oxygen for 150 four-member families.
We supported the initiative launched by the Botanical Garden and the Faculty of Biology, together with the Welfare Coalition. We leased and decorated Pančić spruce. One half of funds for the lease are envisaged for the Botanical Garden “Jevremovac” to renew the plant stock and organization of educational programs on environmental protection for children whereas the other half was envisaged for the procurement of food packages for the most vulnerable citizens.